General information:
There are 7 cars
337 seats available
The speed is up to 220 km/h

The total number of seats is 337 containing 48 business- class seats (always located in the first car) and 2 seats for handicapped people (always located in the second car). To make the trip as easy as possible for handicapped people, the train provides a lift for boarding, enough room for wheelchairs and special toilets. Of course Allegro contains a board restaurant with 38 seats for passengers and at the bar are 12 stools. In the 7th car is a special area for families containing a playroom and a diaper changing table. People travelling with pets will find dog areas in the 6th car. The seating is always in rows 2+2 and in the first class in rows 1+2 (leather seat covering). Business class passengers are offered a headset, receive a newspaper, get snacks (brought to their seat) and may always go to the self-service counter for a cup of coffee or tea.