Alexeyevsky monastery in Uglich


In 1371 the monk Adrian founded the monastery on the site of a pagan temple by the order of Alexei, the Metropolitan of Moscow. The fortress of the monastery was erected on the approach to the town along the road to Yaroslavl in order to strengthen Moscow's positions in upper Povolzhye.

In the 16th century, the monastery was put on fire by Polish interventionists. After the events of the Time of Troubles, the territory of the cloister was rebuilt. In 1628 the Church of the Assumption was erected. For its outstanding beauty, it was called the name Wonderful. It became a memorial to all defenders of the town against invaders. The three high well-proportioned tent roofs with elegant refined decor make the church special.

In 1681 the Church of St. John the Forerunner was erected in the vicinity of the Wonderful Church. The edifice is conspicuous for its five picturesque domes with a lavishly decorated central cupola.

The passage through the Holy Gate offers access to the monastery grounds. Old lime trees grow there, along with a giant elm - witness to the by-gone days of the monastery.

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